卡塔尔发展基金向纳米比亚派出58 000个食品篮,用于荒漠化援助。 Qatar Fund for Development sends 58,000 food baskets to Namibia for desertification aid.
卡塔尔发展基金(QFFD)向纳米比亚派遣了58 000个食品篮,援助受荒漠化影响的地区。 The Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD) has dispatched 58,000 food baskets to Namibia to aid regions impacted by desertification. 这批货物重1 745吨,于2024年10月6日离开土耳其梅尔辛港,预定在5-6周内抵达。 The shipment, weighing 1,745 tons, left Mersin Port in Turkey on October 6, 2024, and is set to arrive in 5-6 weeks. 这一交付补充了以前的空运,使援助总额达到63 500篮子(约1 925吨),包括大米、食用油和罐头肉等基本物品。 This delivery complements prior air shipments, bringing the total aid to 63,500 baskets (approximately 1,925 tons) and includes essential items like rice, cooking oil, and canned meat.