印度派出1 000公吨大米援助纳米比亚因干旱而加剧的粮食危机。 India sends 1,000 metric tons of rice to aid Namibia's food crisis exacerbated by droughts.
印度向纳米比亚运送了1 000公吨大米,以帮助解决其严重的粮食危机,而与厄尔尼诺现象有关的干旱加剧了粮食危机。 India has sent a shipment of 1,000 metric tons of rice to Namibia to aid in addressing its severe food crisis, worsened by droughts linked to the El Niño phenomenon. 大米来自马哈拉施特拉的Nhava Sheva港, 目的是加强纳米比亚的粮食安全, 近140万人面临严重的粮食无保障问题。 The rice, dispatched from Maharashtra's Nhava Sheva Port, aims to bolster Namibia’s food security, with nearly 1.4 million people facing acute food insecurity. 这一行动反映了印度承诺在困难的条件下支持其长期盟友纳米比亚。 This action reflects India's commitment to supporting its long-standing ally, Namibia, amid challenging conditions.