俄亥俄州法院将Trump案 朱利亚尼涉嫌参与 1月6日首都暴动案件 送交检察官 Ohio court sends case of Trump, Giuliani alleged involvement in January 6th Capitol riots to prosecutors.
俄亥俄州的一个法院 将一个公民团体 控告前总统唐纳德·特朗普 和前纽约市市长鲁迪·朱利亚尼的案件 提交检察官 An Ohio court has sent a case from a citizens' group against former President Donald Trump and former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani to prosecutors. 该案件指控他们参与煽动1月6日的国会暴动。 The case alleges their involvement in inciting the January 6th Capitol riots. 法院指出,必须保护宪法的言论权,特别是在选举年。 The court noted the need to protect constitutional speech rights, particularly in an election year. 具体指控仍未公布,检察官是否将采取进一步行动尚不确定。 Specific charges remain undisclosed, and it is uncertain if prosecutors will take further action.