2022年加州第5届国会区候选人麦克林托克和巴克利, 专注于对抗政策, 包括政府支出、移民和气候问题。 2022 California's 5th Congressional District candidates, McClintock and Barkley, focus on opposing policies including government spending, immigration, and climate issues.
共和党众议员姆·麦克林托克和民主党人迈克·巴克利正在争夺加利福尼亚州第五届国会区的席位, Republican Rep. Tom McClintock and Democrat Mike Barkley are vying for California’s 5th Congressional District seat, covering parts of Yosemite and Kings Canyon. McClintock强调削减政府开支,执行移民法,改善森林管理。 McClintock emphasizes cutting government spending, enforcing immigration laws, and improving forest management. 巴克利的目标是提高住房的可负担性,支持移民改革,并执行一项加利福尼亚州水问题综合计划。 Barkley aims to enhance housing affordability, support immigration reforms, and implement a comprehensive plan for California's water issues. 两名候选人都处理生活费用、移民和气候问题。 Both candidates address cost of living, immigration, and climate concerns.