多伦多公共卫生部门正在调查与夏丘市场的即食美食肉有关的李斯特菌病例, Toronto Public Health investigates Listeria cases linked to ready-to-eat deli meat from Summerhill Market with potential exposure to high-risk groups.
多伦多公共卫生署正在调查两起经证实的Listeria案件,这些案件与Summerhill市场销售的即食食食肉有关,包装在Summerhill大道446号。 Toronto Public Health is investigating two confirmed Listeria cases linked to ready-to-eat deli meat sold at Summerhill Market, packaged at 446 Summerhill Avenue. 建议居民处置或归还这些产品,因为这些产品可能看起来不会被宠坏。 Residents are advised to dispose of or return these products, as they may not appear spoiled. 食用后3天至70天可能出现症状,严重影响到高危群体。 Symptoms can arise from three days to 70 days after consumption, affecting high-risk groups severely. 客户应监测症状,必要时寻求医疗帮助。 Customers should monitor for symptoms and seek medical help if needed. 调查仍在继续。 The investigation continues.