由于李斯特菌污染风险,加拿大食品检验局召回 Rana 品牌的 Tagliatelle 调味白鸡蘑菇酱。 CFIA recalls Rana brand Tagliatelle Seasoned White Chicken and Mushroom sauce due to Listeria contamination risk.
加拿大食品检验局 (CFIA) 已召回 Rana 品牌的 Tagliatelle 调味白鸡蘑菇酱,因为可能存在李斯特菌污染。 The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has recalled Rana brand Tagliatelle Seasoned White Chicken and Mushroom sauce due to potential Listeria contamination. 这一警告影响到在2024年10月10日至11月16日之前最先进的产品。 This warning affects products with best before dates from October 10 to November 16, 2024. 消费者不应吃或出售受影响的物品,这些物品可能看起来安全,但可能造成严重疾病,特别是在弱势群体中。 Consumers should not eat or sell the affected items, which may appear safe but can cause serious illness, particularly in vulnerable groups. 为了安全,请丢弃或将产品返回商店. Discard or return the product to the store for safety.