德里的保安人员因在休假期间从雇主家里偷现金和首饰而被捕,供认并追回被盗物品。 Security officer in Delhi arrested for stealing ₹1.25 crore in cash and jewelry from his employerʼs home during vacation, confessed and recovered stolen items.
德里的一位私人警卫Vikas Kumar因在雇主休假期间从雇主家中偷取大约1.25卢比的现金和首饰而被捕。 A personal security officer in Delhi, Vikas Kumar, was arrested for stealing approximately Rs 1.25 crore in cash and jewelry from his employer's home while the employer was on vacation. 盗窃案是在雇主审查闭路电视录像后发现的,导致警方查明并逮捕了承认犯罪的Kumar。 The theft was uncovered after the employer reviewed CCTV footage, leading police to identify and apprehend Kumar, who confessed to the crime. 当局追回了70万卢比的现金、价值55万卢比的珠宝和抢劫所用车辆。 Authorities recovered Rs 70 lakh in cash, jewelry worth Rs 55 lakh, and the vehicle used in the robbery. 库马尔被控偷窃 Kumar is charged with theft.