退休科学家和妻子在德里的罗希尼被劫持为人质,袭击并抢劫了2千万卢比的现金和贵重物品;警方在内部怀疑下进行调查。 Retired scientist and wife held hostage, assaulted, and robbed ₹2 crore cash and valuables in Rohini, Delhi; police investigating with insider suspicion.
一名退休科学家及其妻子在德里Rohini家中被冒充信使的武装人员持枪扣为人质。 A retired scientist and his wife were held hostage at gunpoint in their Rohini, Delhi home by armed men posing as courier agents. 抢劫者偷走了价值约2亿卢比的现金和珠宝. The robbers stole cash and jewelry valued at around ₹2 crore. 这对夫妇在事件中遭到殴打,后来住院治疗。 The couple was assaulted during the incident and later hospitalized. 警方已组成六个调查小组,怀疑内幕人员参与其中。 Police have formed six teams to investigate, suspecting insider involvement. 他们正在分析闭路电视录像,并采访邻居和家人,以查明嫌犯。 They are analyzing CCTV footage and interviewing neighbors and family members to identify the suspects.