科技工作者在德里被捕, 罪名是偷窃6万卢比和电子产品 在工资加薪后被拒发。 Tech worker arrested in Delhi for stealing Rs 6 lakh and electronics after salary raise denial.
一名名叫Hasan Khan的20岁的技术工作人员在德里被捕,因为他在要求加薪的请求被拒绝后,从工作场所偷窃了6万卢比和电子物品。 A 20-year-old technical staff member named Hasan Khan was arrested in Delhi for stealing Rs 6 lakh and electronic items from his workplace after his request for a salary increase was denied. 由于被拒绝, 汗于12月31日通过关闭电源和戴头盔来偷走这些物品, 以免被发现. Khan, upset by the refusal, stole the items on December 31 by disabling the power and wearing a helmet to avoid detection. 警方在对闭路电视录像和工作人员访谈进行了彻底调查之后,从他手中缴获了5万卢比和两台摄像机。 Police recovered Rs 5 lakh and two cameras from him after a thorough investigation involving CCTV footage and staff interviews.