新墨西哥州San Juan兴建站的拆除导致Navajo民族失业和经济转型。 San Juan Generating Station's demolition in New Mexico leads to job losses and economic shifts for the Navajo Nation.
8 月 24 日,新墨西哥州圣胡安发电站被拆除,这标志着纳瓦霍民族的关键变化,该民族历来依赖煤炭来维持经济和文化稳定。 The demolition of the San Juan Generating Station in New Mexico on August 24 marks a pivotal change for the Navajo Nation, historically reliant on coal for economic and cultural stability. 这种转向大型太阳能项目的做法旨在清洁能源,但已导致大量失业和流离失所工人收入减少,影响到数千个家庭。 This shift to large-scale solar projects aims for cleaner energy but has led to significant job losses and reduced incomes for displaced workers, impacting thousands of families. 煤炭厂的关闭也导致学生入学率下降,社区无家可归现象增加。 The closure of coal plants has also resulted in declining student enrollment and increased homelessness in the community.