纳瓦霍部落以环境和健康风险为由,对大峡谷铀矿重新开放提出安全关切。 Navajo Nation raises safety concerns over reopened Grand Canyon uranium mine, citing environmental and health risks.
纳瓦霍民族对大峡谷附近最近重新开放的铀矿表示安全担忧,这引起了亚利桑那州总检察长的注意。 The Navajo Nation voices safety concerns over a recently reopened uranium mine near the Grand Canyon, drawing attention from Arizona's Attorney General. 这些关切源于该区域采矿活动可能对环境和健康构成的风险。 The concerns stem from potential environmental and health risks associated with mining activities in the region. 随着美洲土著部落和地方官员表达他们的担忧,重新开放的地雷及其对环境和公共卫生的潜在影响突出表明,该地区需要采取彻底的安全措施和环境保护。 As Native American tribes and local officials express their worries, the reopened mine and its potential impacts on the environment and public health emphasize the need for thorough safety measures and environmental protections in the area.