在阿拉巴马州Gardandale的两小时僵持后,一名持有包括恐怖主义威胁在内的多项逮捕令的人被捕。 A man with multiple warrants, including for terroristic threat, was arrested after a two-hour standoff in Gardendale, Alabama.
周五晚上,一名因多项通缉令(包括恐怖主义威胁)的男子在他母亲位于阿拉巴马州加登代尔的家中对峙后被捕。 A man wanted on multiple warrants, including for a terroristic threat, was arrested Friday evening after a standoff at his mother’s home in Gardendale, Alabama. 警察无法说服他投降,最后在两小时的对峙之后,在特警部队的协助下,最终破门而入。 Police, unable to persuade him to surrender, eventually breached the door with SWAT assistance after a two-hour standoff. 嫌疑人在社交媒体上张贴了信息,但事件期间没有受伤的报道。 The suspect had posted concerning messages on social media, but no injuries were reported during the incident. 进一步细节尚待进一步说明。 Further details are pending.