67岁的大都会警官被控在皇家护卫事件中因不小心驾驶造成死亡。 67-year-old Metropolitan Police officer charged with causing death by careless driving in royal escort incident.
67岁的首都警察克里斯托弗·哈里森被指控因不慎驾驶导致死亡,此前在2023年5月10日,81岁的海伦·霍兰德在爱丁堡公爵夫人的皇家护送队中被摩托车致命撞击. Christopher Harrison, a 67-year-old Metropolitan Police officer, has been charged with causing death by careless driving after 81-year-old Helen Holland was fatally struck by his motorcycle while part of a royal escort for the Duchess of Edinburgh on May 10, 2023. 两周后,荷兰因受伤死亡。 Holland died two weeks later from her injuries. Harrison定于11月6日在威斯敏斯特治安法院出庭。 Harrison is scheduled to appear in Westminster Magistrates' Court on November 6. 皇家检察院没有要求就此案提出有偏见的评论。 The Crown Prosecution Service has requested no prejudicial commentary on the case.