65岁的Sarah Pratt因造成摩托车手Brian Dewey死亡被判处缓刑。 Sarah Pratt, 65, received a suspended sentence for causing motorcyclist Brian Dewey's death.
Sarah Pratt(65岁)因在英国剑桥郡的一次正面碰撞中造成73岁的摩托车手Brian Dewey死亡而被判有罪。 Sarah Pratt, 65, was found guilty of causing the death of motorcyclist Brian Dewey, 73, in a head-on collision in Cambridgeshire, UK. 她承认驾驶粗心大意,并被判处两个月两周缓刑,加上175小时的社区服务以及18个月的禁止驾驶令。 She admitted to careless driving and received a suspended sentence of two months and two weeks, along with 175 hours of community service and an 18-month driving ban. 法官注意到她短暂的注意力集中和真正的悔恨,强调在路上谨慎的重要性。 The judge noted her momentary lapse in concentration and genuine remorse, emphasizing the importance of caution on the road.