35 岁的博福特县男子哈维·贝西娅 (Harvey Bethea) 被指控向他雇用的未成年人招揽性行为,以小狗作为交换。 35-year-old Beaufort County man, Harvey Bethea, charged with soliciting sex from a minor he employed, using a puppy as an exchange.
来自南卡罗来纳州Beaufort县的35岁少年Harvey Mackenzie Bethea被控教唆未成年人犯罪。 Harvey Mackenzie Bethea, a 35-year-old from Beaufort County, South Carolina, has been charged with Criminal Solicitation of a Minor. 指控包括一再指控他雇用一名16岁女孩,向她提供一只小狗以换取性行为。 Allegations include repeatedly propositioning a 16-year-old girl he employed, offering her a puppy in exchange for sex acts. 这些事件被报告给执法部门,导致南卡罗来纳州执法司进行调查。 The incidents were reported to law enforcement, leading to an investigation by the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division. Bethea 被关进博福特县拘留中心,后来被释放。 Bethea was booked into the Beaufort County Detention Center and later released.