美国南卡罗来纳州的44岁的格雷戈里·戴因对未成年人进行二级性剥削和分发儿童性虐待材料而被捕. 44-year-old Gregory Day from SC arrested on 13 counts of 2nd-degree sexual exploitation of a minor; distributed child sexual abuse material.
Gregory Keith Day, 44岁,来自南卡罗来纳州鹅溪,因13项对未成年人的二级性剥削而被捕。 Gregory Keith Day, 44, from Goose Creek, South Carolina, has been arrested on 13 counts of second-degree sexual exploitation of a minor. 指控源于向CyberTipline提供一份报告后发起的调查,其中透露他散发了儿童性虐待材料。 The charges stem from an investigation initiated by a report to CyberTipline, revealing he distributed child sexual abuse material. 南卡罗来纳州总检察长办公室与当地执法和国土安全调查一起进行了调查。 The South Carolina Attorney General's Office, along with local law enforcement and Homeland Security Investigations, conducted the investigation. 如果被定罪,他将面临最高达10年的监禁,每个罪名。 If convicted, he faces up to 10 years in prison per charge.