威尔逊高中12年级学生被捕 警长办公室负责调查 12th-grade student at Wilson High School arrested, sheriff's office investigates.
南卡罗来纳州佛罗伦萨县郡警署正在调查威尔逊高中一名12年级学生被捕一事, The Florence County Sheriff's Office in South Carolina is investigating the arrest of a 12th-grade student at Wilson High School, as shown in a social media post. 内务股正在审查这一事件,随着调查的进行,将公布进一步细节。 The incident is under review by the internal affairs unit, and further details will be released as the investigation progresses. 警长办公室鼓励任何有情报的人 在843 -665 -2121联系他们 The sheriff's office encourages anyone with information to contact them at 843-665-2121. 目前没有补充细节。 No additional details are currently available.