24岁的Hezekiah Wilson因星期天在Shaw's Corner商店开枪致死而被捕;调查仍在进行中。 24-year-old Hezekiah Wilson arrested for fatal Sunday shooting at Shaw's Corner Store; investigation ongoing.
24岁的Hezikiah Wilson因涉嫌星期天初在南卡罗来纳州Andrews的Shaw's Corner商店枪击致死而被捕。 Hezekiah Wilson, 24, has been arrested in connection with a fatal shooting at Shaw's Corner Store in Andrews, South Carolina, early Sunday. 受害人在上身骨部中弹,到达医院后被宣布死亡。 The victim, shot in the upper torso, was pronounced dead after arriving at the hospital. Wilson, 最初被认为是"武装和危险", 于凌晨5点左右被捕。 Wilson, initially considered "armed and dangerous," was apprehended around 5 a.m. 他目前被关押在乔治敦县拘留中心。 He is currently held at the Georgetown County Detention Center. 调查正在进行中,当局要求提供更多资料。 The investigation is ongoing, and authorities seek additional information.