新西兰政府将设立独立的实体,以便有效管理其30bn学校的投资组合。 New Zealand's government to create separate entity for efficient property management of its $30bn school portfolio.
新西兰政府正在对一项部级调查作出回应,该调查批评教育部管理其300亿美元的学校财产组合效率低下,缺乏透明度。 New Zealand's government is responding to a ministerial inquiry that criticized the Education Ministry's management of its $30 billion school property portfolio as inefficient and lacking transparency. 调查建议设立一个单独的实体来监督财产管理。 The inquiry recommends creating a separate entity to oversee property management. 政府将分三个阶段实施变革,目的是澄清作用,改善沟通和进程,预计到2025年将就新模式作出最后决定。 The government will implement changes in three phases, aiming to clarify roles and improve communication and processes, with a final decision on the new model expected by 2025.