新西兰政府旨在通过监管改革来减少繁文缛节并改善教育。 New Zealand's government aims to cut red tape and improve education through regulatory reforms.
新西兰监管部正在通过行业审查、新的监管标准法案和改进监管机构文化来提高监管质量。 The Ministry for Regulation in New Zealand is enhancing regulatory quality through sector reviews, a new regulatory standards bill, and improved regulatory agency culture. 这些举措旨在减少农业和幼儿教育中的繁文缛节。 Initiatives aim to reduce red tape in agriculture and early childhood education. 总理克里斯托弗·卢克森 (Christopher Luxon) 支持政府的行动,特别是改善教育的计划,包括新课程和更好的教师资源,以解决学生数学成绩不佳的问题。 Prime Minister Christopher Luxon supports the government's actions, particularly plans to improve education, including a new curriculum and better teacher resources to address poor math results among students.