新西兰计划进行重大的环境法改革,引起环保人士的担忧。 New Zealand plans major environmental law reforms, sparking concerns among environmentalists.
2025年,新西兰计划对其环境管理进行重大改革,旨在以两项侧重于财产权和环境保护的新法律取代《资源管理法》。 In 2025, New Zealand plans major reforms to its environmental management, aiming to replace the Resource Management Act with two new laws focusing on property rights and environmental protection. 此次大修,包括修订14项国家政策,引起了环境学家的担忧,他们担心,这可能会削弱对自然环境的保护。 This overhaul, which includes revising 14 national policies, has sparked concern among environmentalists who fear it may weaken protections for the natural environment. 以发展为重点,这些变化可能会对新西兰未来数年的环境框架产生重大影响。 With a focus on development, these changes could significantly impact New Zealand's environmental framework for years to come.