马萨诸塞州警察在争议中任命了首任非机构上校杰弗里·诺贝尔。 Massachusetts State Police appoints first non-agency colonel, Geoffrey Noble, amid controversies.
Geoffrey Noble已宣誓就任马萨诸塞州州警察局新任上校,成为根据2020年警察改革法从该机构外任命的第一位领导人。 Geoffrey Noble has been sworn in as the new colonel of the Massachusetts State Police, making history as the first leader appointed from outside the agency due to a 2020 police reform law. 他接管了包括丑闻和训练期间新兵死亡在内的争议。 He takes over amid controversies, including scandals and the death of a recruit during training. 诺布尔是新泽西州警察的老兵, 旨在恢复公众信任, Noble, a veteran of the New Jersey State Police, aims to restore public trust and improve community relations while addressing ongoing challenges within the agency.