由于生态脆弱,印度联邦环境部的专家评估委员会要求对西加茨抽水的储存项目进行现场视察。 India's Union Environment Ministry's Expert Appraisal Committee requires site inspections for Western Ghats pumped storage projects due to ecological fragility.
印度联邦环境部专家评估委员会强调,在批准环境敏感西加茨的抽水储存项目之前,必须先进行现场视察。 India's Union Environment Ministry's Expert Appraisal Committee has stressed the need for site inspections before approving pumped storage projects in the environmentally sensitive Western Ghats. 由于该地区的生态脆弱性,这项决定影响到15个待执行的项目。 This decision, prompted by the area's ecological fragility, affects 15 pending projects. 该委员会旨在确保进行彻底审查,审议潜在的环境影响,并由于对能力扩大的关切,回复了Adani绿色能源公司的提案。 The committee aims to ensure thorough scrutiny, considering potential environmental impacts, and has returned a proposal from Adani Green Energy due to concerns over expanded capacity. 努力将西高原部分地区列为生态敏感地区. Efforts continue to designate parts of the Western Ghats as ecologically sensitive.