Avaada集团计划在Rajasthan实施5 800卢比泵水力发电项目,以加强能源安全和可持续性。 Avaada Group plans Rs 5,800 crore pumped hydropower project in Rajasthan to boost energy security and sustainability.
Avaada集团计划投资5 800卢比用于Rajasthan的Sirohi区1 200兆瓦泵水力发电储存项目。 The Avaada Group plans to invest Rs 5,800 crore in a 1,200 MW pumped hydropower storage project in Rajasthan's Sirohi district. 该项目旨在加强能源安全和国家环境可持续性。 This project aims to enhance energy security and environmental sustainability in the state. 这是Avaada在Rajasthan投资1万卢比的大型项目的一部分,其中包括绿氨、风和太阳能项目。 It is part of Avaada's larger Rs 1 lakh crore investment in Rajasthan, which includes projects in green ammonia, wind, and solar power. 这一倡议支持印度的可再生能源目标,并有助于拉贾斯坦邦拥有大量的可再生能源能力。 This initiative supports India's renewable energy goals and contributes to Rajasthan's substantial renewable energy capacity.