澳大利亚超市 Coles 和 Woolworths 定量购买鸡蛋,因为在禽流感爆发期间损失了 2M 只鸡。 Australian supermarkets Coles and Woolworths ration egg purchases due to a 2M chicken loss amidst a bird flu outbreak.
澳大利亚主要超市 Coles 和 Woolworths 正在对鸡蛋购买进行配给,因为自 5 月以来,禽流感爆发已导致 200 万只鸡被销毁。 Coles and Woolworths, major Australian supermarkets, are rationing egg purchases amid a bird flu outbreak that has led to the destruction of 2 million chickens since May. 高致病性H7变种影响到维多利亚、新南威尔士和澳大利亚首都直辖区的16个农场。 The highly pathogenic H7 variant has impacted 16 farms in Victoria, New South Wales, and the ACT. 虽然澳大利亚迄今未受影响,但该行业仍对H5N1菌株保持警觉,该菌株已在全世界鸟类和人类中造成广泛死亡。 The industry remains on alert for the H5N1 strain, which has caused widespread fatalities among birds and humans worldwide, although Australia has so far been unaffected. 商店每到访仅限两箱。 Shoppers are limited to two cartons per visit.