澳大利亚记者托尼·阿姆斯特朗在公开不公开NRMA保险的配音争议中离开了ABC新闻早餐. Australian journalist Tony Armstrong leaves ABC News Breakfast amid controversy over undisclosed voiceovers for NRMA Insurance.
澳大利亚记者托尼·阿姆斯特朗 (Tony Armstrong) 在因 NRMA Insurance 未公开的画外音而备受争议三年后离开了 ABC 新闻早餐会。 Tony Armstrong, an Australian journalist, departed from ABC News Breakfast after three years amid controversy over undisclosed voiceovers for NRMA Insurance. 媒体评论家Janine Perrett强调利益冲突,促使审查ABC的对外工作政策。 Media critic Janine Perrett highlighted the conflict of interest, prompting scrutiny of ABC's policies on external work. 尽管遭到强烈反对,阿姆斯特朗的同事赞扬他的贡献,因为他在最后露面期间宣布计划在ABC内部开展其他项目。 Despite the backlash, Armstrong's colleagues praised his contributions as he announced plans to pursue other projects within the ABC during his final appearance.