美国广播公司总经理戴维·安德森在右翼压力下辞职;新任主席扭转了广播网络的削减. ABC Managing Director David Anderson resigns amid right-wing pressure; new chair reverses radio network cuts.
澳大利亚广播公司总裁David Anderson的辞职可能是澳大利亚广播公司的一个转折点,在右翼政治利益集团,主要是自由民族党和新闻公司不断发动攻击的情况下,有可能重新塑造其编辑文化。 The resignation of ABC Managing Director David Anderson may be a turning point for the Australian Broadcaster, potentially resetting its editorial culture amid ongoing attacks from right-wing political interests, primarily the Liberal-National Party and News Corporation. 安德森的任期面临挑战,包括对ABC记者的外部压力,他的离职为修订该组织的战略方向,包括从传统平台向数字平台过渡提供了机会。 Anderson's tenure faced challenges including external pressures on ABC journalists, and his departure offers an opportunity to revise the organization's strategic direction, including the transition from traditional to digital platforms. ABC无线电网络的未来仍然不确定,新的主席威廉姆斯推翻了以前关于减少无线电网络的决定。 The future of ABC's radio networks remains uncertain, with the new chair, Williams, reversing previous decisions to reduce radio networks.