安托瓦内特·拉图夫 (Antoinette Lattouf) 起诉 ABC 解雇,与决策者争论,并指控政治偏见和种族因素。 Antoinette Lattouf sues ABC over dismissal, disputing decision-makers and alleging political bias and racial factors.
安托瓦内特·拉图夫 (Antoinette Lattouf) 正在起诉澳大利亚广播公司 (ABC) 关于她的解雇,声称前董事长伊塔·巴特罗斯 (Ita Buttrose) 和董事总经理大卫·安德森 (David Anderson) 是关键决策者。 Antoinette Lattouf is suing the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) over her dismissal, claiming former chair Ita Buttrose and managing director David Anderson were key decision-makers. 她的法律小组声称,他们大量参与其中,而ABC声称,首席内容官Chris Oliver-Taylor独自作出这一决定。 Her legal team contends they were significantly involved, while the ABC asserts that Chief Content Officer Chris Oliver-Taylor made the decision alone. 此案涉及关于她解雇时的政治偏见和种族因素的指控,将在联邦法院审理。 The case, which involves allegations of political bias and racial factors in her firing, will be heard in Federal Court.