996人被捕,200人因在海得拉巴Ganesh Chaturthi节期间骚扰妇女而入狱,SHE团队进行干预。 996 arrested, 200 jailed for harassing women during Ganesh Chaturthi festival in Hyderabad, SHE Teams intervened.
在最近在海得拉巴举行的Ganesh Chaturthi节期间,有996人因骚扰妇女被捕。 During the recent Ganesh Chaturthi festival in Hyderabad, 996 individuals were apprehended for harassing women. 其中200人被判处3天监禁和1 050英镑罚款,其余人由于缺乏录像证据而得到咨询和监测。 Of these, 200 received three-day jail sentences and fines of ₹1,050, while the rest were counseled and monitored due to lack of video evidence. 她小组在拥挤地区开展行动,加强妇女的安全,鼓励通过“WhessApp”或“紧急号码”报告事件。 The SHE Teams conducted operations in crowded areas to enhance women's safety, encouraging reporting of incidents via WhatsApp or emergency numbers. 该倡议旨在通过咨询改变罪犯的态度。 The initiative aims to change offenders' attitudes through counseling.