36岁的Paul Sanders在Leamington Spa因多重性犯罪被判处4年监禁,3年假释和终生性犯罪者登记。 36-year-old Paul Sanders was sentenced to 4 years in prison with 3 years on parole and lifelong sex offender registration for multiple sexual offenses in Leamington Spa.
Paul Sanders, 36岁,因在Leamington Spa对妇女犯下多项性犯罪,包括性攻击和企图攻击,被判处四年监禁。 Paul Sanders, 36, has been sentenced to four years in prison for multiple sexual offenses against women in Leamington Spa, including sexual assault and attempted assault. 在Warwick刑事法院被定罪后,他将在释放后按许可证再任职三年,必须登记为终生性犯罪人。 Convicted at Warwick Crown Court, he will serve an additional three years on license after release and must register as a sex offender for life. Warwickshire警察赞扬受害者的勇气,这种勇气有助于确保定罪。 Warwickshire Police commended the victims' courage, which was instrumental in securing the conviction.