87岁的爱尔兰前Fianna Fáil副领袖、教育和卫生部长Mary O'Rourke去世。 87-year-old former Irish deputy leader of Fianna Fáil, Mary O'Rourke, a minister for Education and Health, passed away.
爱尔兰著名政治家、Fianna Fáil前副领袖Mary O'Rourke于87岁去世。 Mary O'Rourke, a prominent Irish politician and former deputy leader of Fianna Fáil, has died at 87. 1982年当选达伊尔议员后,她担任了若干部长职务,包括教育和卫生部长,1994年至2002年担任副领导人。 Elected to the Dáil in 1982, she held several ministerial roles, including Minister for Education and Health, and served as deputy leader from 1994 to 2002. O'Rourke因其政治敏锐和磁性人格而得到承认。 O'Rourke was recognized for her political acumen and magnetic personality. 迈克尔·希金斯总统和陶伊切·西蒙·哈里斯总统的嘉奖强调了她对爱尔兰公共生活的重大贡献。 Tributes from President Michael D. Higgins and Taoiseach Simon Harris highlight her significant contributions to Irish public life.