魁北克省司法部长提议一项法案,禁止未经同意分享亲密图像,并对不遵守规定者予以处罚。 Quebec's Justice Minister proposes a bill to stop non-consensual sharing of intimate images, with penalties for non-compliance.
魁北克司法部部长Simon Jolin-Barrette提出了一项法案,防止未经同意分享亲密图像。 Quebec's Justice Minister Simon Jolin-Barrette has proposed a bill to prevent the non-consensual sharing of intimate images. 立法允许个人在网上或在法院迅速获得法官的命令,以停止分发这类内容,要求销毁或取消与索引有关的链接。 The legislation allows individuals to quickly obtain a judge's order online or at a courthouse to stop the distribution of such content, demand its destruction, or de-index associated links. 不遵守规定者每天可被处以5 000至50 000美元的罚款,最高可被判处18个月的监禁。 Non-compliance may incur daily fines of $5,000 to $50,000 and up to 18 months in jail. 该法案还涉及未经授权的色情网站。 The bill also addresses unauthorized pornography websites.