加拿大司法部长的在线安全法案在成本和官僚主义问题上面临反对。 Canadian Justice Minister's online safety bill faces opposition over costs and bureaucracy concerns.
司法部长阿里夫·维拉尼 (Arif Virani) 的《在线危害法案》旨在保护加拿大人的在线网络,该法案因其 2 亿加元的成本和对造成过度官僚主义的担忧而面临保守党的反对。 Justice Minister Arif Virani's Online Harms Act, aimed at protecting Canadians online, faces opposition from the Conservatives over its $200 million cost and concerns about creating excessive bureaucracy. 双方一致认为有必要解决网上伤害问题,但尚未就立法达成共识。 Both parties agree on the need to address online harms but have not reached a consensus on legislation. 该法案仍然停留在下议院,保守党威胁说,如果他们组成政府,将予以废除。 The bill remains stuck in the House of Commons, with the Conservatives threatening to repeal it if they form the government.