新斯科舍省联邦渔业官员在等待劳工调查员审查之前,拒绝就安全问题选择执法职责。 Nova Scotia federal fisheries officers refuse select enforcement duties over safety concerns, awaiting a labor investigator's review.
新斯科舍的联邦渔业官员已开始拒绝履行某些执法义务,原因是存在安全威胁,包括接触火器和暴力升级。 Federal fisheries officers in Nova Scotia have begun refusing certain enforcement duties due to safety threats, including exposure to firearms and escalating violence. 联盟主席Shimen Fayad报告说,一名联邦劳工调查员在政府先前驳回他们的关切后,正在审查这一情况。 Union president Shimen Fayad reported that a federal labor investigator is reviewing the situation, following prior dismissals of their concerns by the government. 同时,商业渔民要求加大执法力度,打击非法捕鱼。 Meanwhile, commercial fishers are demanding increased enforcement against illegal fishing practices.