34岁的Malcolm Burns在NH的Northwood的一次家庭暴力事件中被警察开枪打死。 34-year-old Malcolm Burns was shot and killed by police during a domestic violence incident in Northwood, NH.
在新罕布什尔的Northwood,警察在星期二早些时候的一次家庭暴力事件中开枪打死34岁的Malcolm Burns。 In Northwood, New Hampshire, police shot and killed 34-year-old Malcolm Burns during a domestic violence incident early Tuesday. 警方接到一个涉及伯恩斯和他的父亲的骚乱电话. Officers responded to a disturbance call involving Burns and his father. 据报告,在争吵期间,烧伤者携带武器,导致一名军官受非致命伤。 Burns was reportedly armed during the altercation, which led to one officer sustaining non-life-threatening injuries. 目前正在进行调查,在进一步调查之前,该警官的姓名暂不透露。 An investigation is ongoing, with the officer's name withheld pending further inquiries. 总检察长办公室确认不存在公众威胁。 The Attorney General's office confirmed no public threat exists.