新罕布什尔AG确定两名军官对约瑟夫·罗素(被通缉的小偷、持枪指着)使用致命武力是合法的,没有提出指控。 New Hampshire AG determines two officers' deadly force use against Joseph Russell (wanted thief, gun pointed) was lawful, with no charges filed.
新罕布什尔州总检察长办公室确定,两名州警察在3月8日枪杀36岁的约瑟夫·罗素时合法使用了致命武力。 The New Hampshire Attorney General's office has determined that two state police officers lawfully used deadly force when they fatally shot 36-year-old Joseph Russell on March 8. Russell因多起车辆盗窃案被通缉,据称他在徒步追逐时用枪指着警察。 Russell, who was wanted for multiple vehicle thefts, allegedly pointed a loaded gun at the officers during a foot chase. 调查的结论是,不会因警官在这一事件中的行为对他们提出刑事指控。 The investigation concluded that no criminal charges would be filed against the officers for their actions in this incident.