47 岁与 Hells Angels 有联系的男子因在一家酒吧袭击两名男子而在纽卡斯尔被捕。 47-year-old Hells Angels-linked man arrested in Newcastle for assaulting two men at a pub.
一名47岁的男子,据信与地狱天使Bikie帮有联系,他在纽卡斯尔的家中在黎明突袭中被捕。 A 47-year-old man, believed to have ties to the Hells Angels bikie gang, was arrested in a dawn raid at his Newcastle home. 猛禽小分队在对9月14日在一家酒吧发生的一起事件进行调查之后进行了突袭,据称他袭击了两名19岁和20岁的男子。 The Raptor Squad conducted the raid after an investigation into a September 14 incident at a pub, where he allegedly assaulted two men, aged 19 and 20. 他面临两起造成实际身体伤害的殴打罪和一起报复罪。 He faces two counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm and one count of affray. 嫌犯已有条件保释获释,定于10月31日出庭。 The suspect has been released on conditional bail and is set to appear in court on October 31.