查尔斯顿的Xfinity电缆因光纤断路而停电, 影响数千人; 恢复正在进行中. Xfinity experiences fiber cut-induced outages in Charleston, impacting thousands; restoration ongoing.
Xfinity在Charleston地区因纤维切割而出现大量互联网和电缆服务中断,影响到West Ashley和North Charleston等地数以千计的顾客。 Xfinity is experiencing significant internet and cable service outages in the Charleston area due to a fiber cut, affecting thousands of customers in locations like West Ashley and North Charleston. 恢复工作正在进行中,估计完成时间各不相同。 Restoration efforts are underway, with varying estimated completion times. 同时,建议居民记录并迅速提出海伦飓风损害索赔,因为恢复过程可能需要数月时间。 Meanwhile, residents are advised to document and quickly file claims for Hurricane Helene damage, as the recovery process may take months.