16名乌克兰战俘据称被在乌克兰接受调查的俄罗斯部队处决。 16 Ukrainian POWs allegedly executed by Russian troops under investigation in Ukraine.
乌克兰正在调查据称俄罗斯部队处决16名乌克兰战俘的事件,这是据报在冲突期间大规模杀害投降士兵最多的一次。 Ukraine is investigating the alleged execution of 16 Ukrainian prisoners of war (POWs) by Russian troops, marking the largest reported mass killing of surrendered soldiers during the conflict. 安德里·科斯廷检察长称这一事件是俄罗斯军事领导人蓄意政策的一部分,违反了《日内瓦四公约》。 Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin described the incident as part of a deliberate policy by Russian military leadership and a violation of the Geneva Conventions. 当局正在审查在社交媒体上分享的证据,而莫斯科尚未对指控作出答复。 Authorities are reviewing evidence shared on social media while Moscow has not responded to the claims.