伊朗准备在以色列对伊朗军事目标的袭击之后对以色列进行报复。 Iran prepares retaliation against Israel after Israeli attacks on Iranian military targets.
伊朗正准备回应以色列, 据伊朗最高领袖的高级顾问阿里·拉里贾尼说。 Iran is preparing to respond to Israel, according to Ali Larijani, a senior adviser to Iran's Supreme Leader. 这是在伊朗向以色列发射大约200枚弹道导弹之后,以色列战斗机于10月26日袭击伊朗军事目标。 This comes after Israeli fighter jets attacked Iranian military targets on October 26, following Iran's launch of about 200 ballistic missiles at Israel. 两国间的紧张局势升级,伊朗发誓对以色列的军事行动进行报复。 Tensions between the two nations have escalated, with Iran vowing to retaliate against Israel's military actions.