2022年数据显示,尽管避孕套使用率下降,15至24岁的美国人中50%的新性传播感染。 2022 data reveals 50% of new STIs in the U.S. among 15-24 year-olds, despite declining condom usage.
美国性行为活跃的青少年和青年使用避孕套的情况正在下降,使人们对性传染感染率上升感到关切。 Condom usage among sexually active teens and young adults in the U.S. is declining, raising concerns about increased STI rates. 促成因素包括提供长期节育、新的性传染感染预防药物、减少对艾滋病毒的恐惧以及性教育不连贯。 Contributing factors include the availability of long-term birth control, new STI prevention drugs, reduced fear of HIV, and inconsistent sex education. 2022年,15-24岁的年轻人占了新发克拉米迪亚,淋病和梅毒病例的一半. In 2022, 15-24 year-olds accounted for half of new chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis cases. 专家们强调需要改善性健康教育和提高对安全套在预防性传播感染方面有效性的认识。 Experts stress the need for improved sexual health education and awareness of condom effectiveness in preventing STIs.