25岁的前橄榄球运动员Kayleb Milne因多次殴打被判处4年监禁,包括窒息一名妇女失去知觉;法院驳回CTE的申诉。 25-year-old former rugby player Kayleb Milne sentenced to 4 years in prison for multiple assaults, including choking a woman unconscious; court dismisses CTE claim.
Kayleb Minirapa Milne, 25岁,前橄榄球联盟运动员,在布里斯班地区法院被判处四年监禁,在服满155天后被停职,罪名是多次殴打,包括将一名妇女窒息昏迷。 Kayleb Minirapa Milne, a 25-year-old former rugby league player, was sentenced in Brisbane District Court to four years in prison, suspended after 155 days served, for multiple assaults, including choking a woman unconscious. 法院驳回了将他的暴力行为与体育脑损伤联系起来的申诉,理由是没有足够证据证明他患有慢性创伤性脑脑病(CTE)。 The court dismissed claims linking his violent behavior to a sporting brain injury, citing insufficient evidence of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). Milne现在被缓刑三年,可能会被驱逐。 Milne is now subject to a three-year probation and may face deportation.