在伦敦的好孩子奖上 哈利王子分享了莉莉贝特对慰藉玩具的爱好 At the WellChild Awards in London, Prince Harry shared Lilibet's fondness for comfort toys.
在伦敦的好孩子奖颁奖期间,哈利王子分享了他女儿莉莉贝特公主的个人细节,同时与年轻的获奖人诺亚交流,诺亚有严重的健康问题。 During the WellChild Awards in London, Prince Harry shared a personal detail about his daughter, Princess Lilibet, while interacting with young award recipient Noah, who has serious health issues. 哈利是该慈善机构超过 15 年的赞助人,他对诺亚的顽皮滑稽动作表示高兴,并提到莉莉贝特喜欢舒适玩具。 Harry, the charity's patron for over 15 years, expressed joy at Noah's playful antics and mentioned Lilibet's fondness for comfort toys. 该活动庆祝重病儿童及其照顾者的韧性,尽管有关家庭团聚的传言仍未得到证实。 The event celebrated the resilience of seriously ill children and their caregivers, though rumors of family reunions remain unconfirmed.