威廉王子协助萨里郡的“Surplus to Supper”食品慈善机构。 Prince William assists Surplus to Supper food charity in Surrey.
威廉王子加入了位于萨里郡的食品慈善机构“Surplus to Supper”,帮助向当地组织运送餐食。 Prince William joins a food charity, Surplus to Supper, in Surrey, to help deliver meals to local organizations. 这是自凯特·米德尔顿宣布接受癌症治疗以来他的首次公开活动。 This is his first public event since Kate Middleton announced she is being treated for cancer. 威尔士亲王协助准备饭菜并将食物装上送货车,以此支持慈善机构的工作。 The Prince of Wales assisted the charity's efforts by helping prepare meals and loading food into delivery vans. 探访期间,志愿者向威廉夫妇赠送了祝福早日康复的卡片,威廉欣然接受了。 During his visit, volunteers presented William with get-well-soon cards for both him and his wife, which he accepted graciously.