尽管关系紧张 威廉王子和哈里王子 都庆祝了戴安娜奖25周年 Despite their strained relationship, Prince William and Prince Harry both honored the Diana Award's 25th anniversary.
威廉王子和哈利王子分别祝贺戴安娜奖获得者,纪念其25周年。 Prince William and Prince Harry have separately congratulated the recipients of the Diana Award, marking its 25th anniversary. William写了一封信, 赞美“特别”年轻获奖者的善意和同情心, 而Harry在虚拟仪式上录下了一段视频讯息。 William wrote a letter praising the "extraordinary" young winners for their kindness and compassion, while Harry recorded a video message for the virtual ceremony. 尽管存在分歧,两位王子仍继续支持为纪念他们母亲戴安娜公主而建立的慈善事业。 Despite their rift, both princes continue to support the charity set up in honor of their mother, Princess Diana. 今年,来自45个国家的200名受援者因其社会行动和人道主义努力而荣获荣誉。 This year, 200 recipients from 45 countries are being honored for their social action and humanitarian efforts.