共和党参议员候选人Tim Sheehy指控民主党现任候选人Jon Tester与说客关系密切。 Republican Senate candidate Tim Sheehy accuses Democratic incumbent Jon Tester of close ties to lobbyists.
在最近的一场辩论中,共和党参议员候选人蒂姆·希伊 (Tim Sheehy) 指责民主党现任总统乔恩·泰斯特 (Jon Tester) 与游说者关系密切,声称泰斯特在阿富汗服役期间“吃游说者牛排”。 In a recent debate, Republican Senate candidate Tim Sheehy accused Democratic incumbent Jon Tester of having close ties to lobbyists, claiming Tester was "eating lobbyist steak" while he served in Afghanistan. 最近的民意调查显示,Sheehy 在争夺 Tester 的席位时领先,这可能会影响参议院的控制权。 Recent polls show Sheehy leading as they compete for Tester's seat, which could affect Senate control. Sheehy批评了Tester的记录,将其与不断上涨的成本和边界问题联系起来,而Teser则为他的立法努力辩护。 Sheehy criticized Tester's record, linking it to rising costs and border issues, while Tester defended his legislative efforts. 选举引起人们的极大关注。 The election is drawing significant attention.