蒙大拿州参议院候选人蒂姆·希伊 (Tim Sheehy) 因声称年轻女性被灌输支持堕胎权而面临强烈反对。 Montana Senate candidate Tim Sheehy faces backlash for claiming young women are indoctrinated to support abortion rights.
蒙大拿州参议院候选人蒂姆·希希 (Tim Sheehy) 与现任乔恩·泰斯特 (Jon Tester) 竞选,因声称年轻女性被“灌输”支持堕胎权而面临强烈反对。 Montana Senate candidate Tim Sheehy, running against incumbent Jon Tester, faces backlash for claiming young women are "indoctrinated" to support abortion rights. 他辩称,共和党需要更好地吸引女性选民。 He argues that the Republican Party needs to better appeal to female voters. Sheehy在一次竞选活动期间发表的评论, 突显了他反对堕胎的立场, 并批评Tester是一个社会主义者。 Sheehy's comments, made during a campaign event, highlight his stance against abortion and criticism of Tester as a socialist. 这一竞赛对双方都至关重要,因为对参议院的控制可能取决于其结果。 This race is critical for both parties, as control of the Senate may hinge on its outcome.