民主党参议员鲍勃·凯西 和共和党挑战者大卫·麦考密克 在宾夕法尼亚州 高胜率参议院竞选中的辩论 Democratic Senator Bob Casey and Republican challenger David McCormick debate in Pennsylvania's high-stakes Senate race.
民主党参议员勃·凯西和共和党竞争对手戴维·麦考米克正在宾夕法尼亚州的密切关注的参议院竞选中进行第二次辩论, Democratic Senator Bob Casey and Republican challenger David McCormick are debating for the second time in Pennsylvania's closely watched Senate race, which could influence Senate control. 支出超过1.9亿美元,预计将超过3.2亿美元,风险很大。 With spending exceeding $190 million and projected to reach over $320 million, the stakes are high. 两位候选人都互相指责对方的错误陈述;凯西将麦考密克称为富豪地毯制作人,而麦考密克则批评凯西无效。 Both candidates have accused each other of misrepresentations; Casey labels McCormick a wealthy carpetbagger, while McCormick criticizes Casey as ineffective. 选举结果对双方都至关重要。 The election outcome is crucial for both parties.