真实电视明星Gemma Collins 差点死于威尼斯的一只黄蜂刺伤, 需要紧急医疗援助。 Reality TV star Gemma Collins nearly died from a wasp sting in Venice, needing emergency medical assistance.
真人秀明星杰玛·柯林斯 (Gemma Collins) 在 Instagram 上透露,她在意大利威尼斯度假时差点死于对黄蜂叮蛰的过敏反应。 Gemma Collins, a reality TV star, revealed on Instagram that she nearly died from an allergic reaction to a wasp sting while vacationing in Venice, Italy. 她的舌头大幅膨胀,促使人们通过救护船只提供紧急医疗援助。 Her tongue swelled significantly, prompting emergency medical assistance via a boat ambulance. 柯林斯感谢护理人员、旅馆工作人员以及她的未婚夫拉米·哈瓦什迅速提供了帮助。 Collins expressed gratitude to paramedics, hotel staff, and her fiancé, Rami Hawash, for their swift help. 她还把这一事件看作是精神上的提醒,得到球迷和名人的支持。 She also reflected on the incident as a spiritual reminder, receiving support from fans and fellow celebrities.