慈善厨师和世界中央厨房为佛罗里达州和北卡罗来纳州的海伦风受害者和急救人员提供餐点. Mercy Chefs and World Central Kitchen provide meals to Hurricane Helene victims and first responders in Florida and North Carolina.
弗吉尼亚州的一家非营利组织 Mercy Chefs 正在为佛罗里达州纽伯里市的飓风海伦受害者和急救人员提供热餐,该活动由 Destiny Community Church 运营。 Mercy Chefs, a Virginia nonprofit, is providing hot meals to Hurricane Helene victims and first responders in Newberry, Florida, operating from Destiny Community Church. 他们的目标是向受风暴影响的人提供每日膳食,并在其他受影响地区开展活动。 They aim to assist those affected by the storm with daily meals and are also active in other impacted areas. 与此同时,由José Andrés厨师领导的世界中央厨房正在北卡罗来纳州Asheville分发食物,并在多个州设有应对危机的小组。 Meanwhile, World Central Kitchen, led by chef José Andrés, is distributing meals in Asheville, North Carolina, and has teams in multiple states responding to the crisis.